How to Choose an Engagement Session Location in the Winter

Winter engagement sessions can be some of the most BEAUTIFUL sessions of the year - but how can you choose a good location when everything is so dark and dreary?

I love winter engagement sessions, but it took me a little bit to figure out what to look for in engagement session locations for my couples in the winter.  If you are trying to plan your session but have no idea where to actually get your photos taken, you are in luck! I’ve written down a quick process for you to help find your engagement session location in no time at all!  So sit back with your cup of hot chocolate, and read through these easy tips below:

  1. Decide what type of location you want your session at.  My main 2 types of locations I always asked my engaged couples to consider is an architectural/industrial feel vs nature feel.  These locations split up into many subcategories (downtown, coffeeshop, art gallery VS forest, mountains, field). Take some time to think about what captures your relationships best - is it the cozy glow of the downtown lights, or the stunning wood and deep greens of the forest?

  2. Think about the scenery for the time of year.  If your session is during the winter (and anywhere it snows), chances are that there won’t be a TON of green around.  If you are looking for a natural feel, look for spots that have some color (like evergreen trees) or that offer a variety of scenery, like trees, lakes, mountains, paths, etc.  If your session is more in a downtown-type area, make sure to think about what kind of decorations are up or events going on - you may or may not want a Christmas parade in the background of your photos ;)

  3. Make sure you can access your location for your session.  The sun sets earlier in the winter, so make sure that you will have time to get to your location (especially if it is a long drive away) before all of the light is gone!  Also, especially in places like the mountains, locations can start to shut down due to snow/ice, so make sure that your location is actually accessible before you check it out!

  4. Decide if you want snow in your photos (and if you are okay with being cold).  Snow can make a MAGICAL effect for your photos and make your entire session dreamy!  When choosing your location, think about how it would look with snow/while snowing. Also, think about how you deal with the cold.  If it’s snowing, chances are that it is pretty cold outside - if you are comfortable with posing in the cold, then go for it! If you can’t even stand being outside for a few minutes, let alone an hour in the cold, toes frozen in the snow, then try choosing a location/date that won’t have you covered in snow!

  5. Google “winter engagement sessions in ___________” in your area.  This is a quick and easy way to find some engagement session location ideas, as well as get a picture in your mind of how your photos might end up looking.

  6. ASK YOUR PHOTOGRAPHER FOR HELP!  Asking your photographer about a location session is the best way to ensure a great backdrop for your photos.  Chances are, they have spent a few winter seasons in your area and can recommend what has ended up looking the best in photos!  


These tips are short and sweet, but they should help you get started on figuring out the PERFECT spot for an engagement session in the winter :)  Happy searching!


Jef and Lexi: Lookout Mountain Colorado Winter Session


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