How to Stay Warm for a Winter Engagement Session


Have a winter engagement session planned and are watching the temperatures drop… and drop… and drop??!!

Don’t worry, I have BEEN there.  One of my first engagement sessions was in November (not a normal winter month)... and the wind chill was -20 degrees.

Now, I’ll usually reschedule a session at this point (we couldn’t due to some circumstances), but even if your session is around 20 degrees, it’s still going to be super cold (especially if you’ve got some wind happening).

After living in the icy Midwest for years, I’ve come up with a few tips to help you not just get through your winter engagement session, but to also ENJOY it!

  1. Wear outfits that are layered.  Although I’m all about a cute mini-dress, you also have to think about standing outside without a coat on!  Try picking outfits that will layer well - even wearing a turtleneck under a bigger sweater or leggings under your jeans (guys, you can totally do this too).  And bring extra layers (coats, scarves, sweaters) to wear between shots.

  2. Hand-warmers are EVERYTHING.  When I say stick these EVERYWHERE, I mean it.  Put some in your pockets to have in your hands between poses (you can even work with your photographer to hide them in your hands in some poses).  Put them in your shoes (your feet lose heat FAST, especially if the ground is damp from snow). Honestly, just hide as many as you can in your clothes - without it looking too bulky or strange.

  3. Ask your photographer to take BREAKS during your session.  If it’s really unbearable outside, choose a location where you can take photos for about 5 minutes, and then run back into your cars to warm up between shots.  Trust me, your photographer will also appreciate the time to warm up. And you don’t have to worry about not getting enough shots - your photographer will most likely be quickly moving you through poses and photos to keep you warm and not frozen on the spot.

  4. Don’t be afraid to embrace winter accessories.  Wearing a beanie or blanket scarf is a great way to stay warm AND still look stylish.  You can wear them throughout your whole session, or just use them when you are getting cold.  And definitely bring them to wear between shots, even if to just warm you up for a minute

  5. Bring a thermos of hot cocoa.  This can be a great, candid way to capture the both of you interacting as you attempt to warm each other up with hot cocoa.  And it seriously helps out with the cold!

Guys, winter sessions are NOT as scary as they seem - and they can end up being some of the most magical photos as well (just think - SNOW).  Now go have some fun - and stay warm doing it!


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Jef and Lexi: Lookout Mountain Colorado Winter Session