How to Still Plan Your Wedding During A Pandemic


Newly engaged and unsure of how in the world to plan your wedding during the coronavirus pandemic?!

I have to admit, I never imagined writing a post like this - but we are in totally unprecedented times, so that means pivoting and changing how we do weddings - and YES, weddings are still possible!!!

I totally understand the fear and uncertainty when it comes to picking a date, signing a contract, and not knowing how life is going to look in the future.  Here’s one thing to keep in mind, though: the future has never been guaranteed.  And although some stress has been involved, THOUSANDS of brides have had their plans completely flipped - and are still rescheduling, rethinking, and GOING AHEAD with their weddings.

In this post, I’m helping YOU, a newly engaged person, figure out what you need to do to still plan your wedding in the midst of a pandemic AND avoid major stress doing it - so let’s get started!


Choose a Date NOW

Yes, I said it.  It’s time to sit down and choose a wedding date.  Why, you ask?  Well, as mentioned before, THOUSANDS of brides have rescheduled their weddings, many moving their dates to 2021.  Which means lots of vendors are already completely filling up their schedule for next year.  Although it may be scary to think about, sit down with your fiance and plan out WHEN you want to get married - and potentially if you want to do a split ceremony/reception, with a ceremony you can definitely have sooner (with less people) and a bigger party later on.  This way, you can start reaching out to your favorite vendors and make sure that your wedding dream can still become a reality!


Talk to Vendors About Coronavirus Policies

Now that we have entered a new season of weddings, vendors have also begun to put in place policies having to do with the coronavirus.  Make sure when you are talking with your vendors that you are clear on things like rescheduling costs, cancellation policies, and proper conduct during weddings (mask-wearing, social distancing, etc.).  Each vendor will handle this differently, so have a conversation with each one to ensure that you have the same expectations.  For myself, I am currently NOT charging extra if you end up having to reschedule your wedding date due to the coronavirus.


Optional: Reimagine Your Wedding Day

Okay, so I’m a little excited about this section.  Here’s the deal: we don’t know how weddings will look 3 months, 6 months, or a year from now.  From the data I’ve read, I would imagine things would be back to normal by next year, but it could also play out differently!  One thing I challenge you to do is rethink your wedding day and how it will look.  Maybe it’s just you two, eloping in the mountains and celebrating with a HUGE party next year.  Maybe it’s an intimate ceremony with just your friends and family.  Maybe it’s actually get married NOW (who needs to wait 9-12 months during an engagement) and celebrate with everyone later (which people actually have done pre-pandemic, people!).  And if that’s not for you, that’s okay too!  Keep your mind open to new ideas during this time, and see what option can best fit your journey - even if it’s not a standard wedding ceremony.

Guys, weddings are NOT CANCELLED.  Already, people are getting married, reimagining their wedding days, and planning the weddings of their dreams during the pandemic craziness.  Don’t let the fear of the uncertain stop you from planning out your wedding day.  

And know that even if things end up needing to be changed, if you have me as a photographer, I will walk with you during each step to make sure you still get amazing memories on your wedding day :)


The Kalsbeek Family - Fort Collins Colorado Summer Family Photo Session


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