The Personality Test You NEED to take

I. LOVE. Taking. Quizzes.

NO NOT SCHOOL QUIZZES.  I mean personality quizzes.  Like I told my small group last week, I was one of those people who obsessively checked Buzzfeed's quiz section every day to see what fun new quizzes I could take - like, "What type of cheese are you" and "Where you should be living in 5 years."  Yes.  They really added value to my life.....

BUT I do also love REAL, life-based assessments.  Things like Myers-Briggs, Strengths-finder, and spiritual gift assessments are all quizzes I have LOVED and scoured over every detail about them. I just think it is so interesting to learn more about myself and others, our natural tendencies, and the really huge differences between our personalities (plus, I always wanted to know the compatibility between my future husband and me).

There's a new quiz in town though.  That's actually HUNDREDS of years old.  Yes.  I'm not making this up.  It's called the Enneagram.

The Enneagram consists of nine different personality types: 

  • Type One: The Reformer

  • Type Two: The Helper

  • Type Three: The Achiever

  • Type Four: The Individualist

  • Type Five: The Investigator

  • Type Six: The Loyalist

  • Type Seven: The Enthusiast

  • Type Eight: The Challenger

  • Type Nine: The Peacemaker

Each person has a dominant type, one of the nine types listed above, which means their personality is generally made up of most of the qualities of that type.  Some people may also have a wing type or two, which just means that you have a couple qualities of another type as well.  NO PERSONALITY TYPE IS BETTER OR WORSE THAN ANOTHER.  They are all incredibly unique and different, so don't fixate or compare yourself to another type.  God made you the way you are for a reason.

Now, in application to your own life, there are different levels that you can be at within your type: healthy, average, and unhealthy.  The quiz helps you to note your strengths and also weaknesses and uncovers different ways that you may react depending on if you are in a healthy mental state or not.  I find this really, really interesting, for myself and others, because I can quickly begin to identify why people are reacting in the way that they do.

This quiz also helps identify our greatest DESIRE in life, and what we look for in a given situation. I'll explain my type.  I'm a type 6, so my greatest desire is for safety.  When I approach situations, I often approach them with caution, and verrrrryyyy slowly, because I don't want to invest in something that could harm me.  Once I commit, though, I am extremely loyal and faithful to it, pouring myself into whatever the situation is.  On the other hand, in an unhealthy state, I will be in chaos when trying to make a decision and not knowing whether it's the right one or not - which is not fun.

Alright.  I could go on for days about this.  Or you could just read it on the official Enneagram Institute site.  And take the quiz (which I linked below).  For real.  Do it.  AND TELL ME WHAT YOUR TYPE IS BECAUSE IT'S FUN TO KNOW.  You know mine.  It's only fair to share.

Take the official quiz HERE.

(For all my cheap people) Take the free quiz HERE (yes, the website is called "Eclectic Energies... you are on the correct site.  I said it was free, right?)


The Enneagram Institute.


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