How to Plan Your 2021 Wedding With COVID Uncertainty


Ahhhhh, COVID.  Remember when we all figured that things would be back to normal by 2021?  Unfortunately, brides planning 2021 weddings are starting to realize that a COVID 2021 wedding still has the same amount of uncertainty as a COVID 2020 wedding.

Wedding planning is already stressful AS IT IS - now just throw in a global pandemic with no end in sight, and the frustration adds up quickly.

I’ve seen brides handle their COVID weddings in a multitude of ways, and I’ve compiled a list of tips/advice that help the planning process go much more smoothly.

Consider A Small Wedding/Elopement

Here’s the deal - we really don’t know what restrictions will look like for 2021.  It’s easy to be hopeful and wish that it will be all back to normal, but it’s also safe to assume that it won’t.  One thing I’ve been encouraging people to do (and have many couples doing as well) is already planning on having a small wedding ceremony/elopement.  This way, they KNOW that they can go ahead with their wedding plans and not have to worry about restrictions/limits.

These couples then plan on hosting a reception/party later on, once things are FOR SURE back to normal - both saving them money that they may lose on deposits AND making sure that every attending is comfortable, safe and healthy.


Have a Backup Plan

I don’t think we have EVER had a time where a backup plan for a WEDDING is necessary, but hey, it’s a brand new, crazy decade.  If you are going ahead with a larger wedding, PLAN AHEAD FOR A WEDDING WITH RESTRICTIONS.  Make a couple of guest lists (10, 50, 100, and your normal count of people) so you don’t have to stress out if limits change in your state.  Talk to each of your vendors about their policies on rescheduling/postponing, as well as they handle statewide restrictions.

And ultimately, go into planning your wedding knowing that you have to stay flexible - this season is so unknown and unprecedented, so know that you are NOT ALONE!


Keep Communication Open with Everyone

First and foremost, talk to your future spouse about what you want your plans to be moving forward. You want to be on the same page, so be honest about how you're feeling and take into account their own concerns/worries.  Afterwards, check in with those directly involved with your wedding (family and bridal party).  Although it is your wedding, a lot of people have different health issues/concerns, personal restrictions, and other boundaries that you need to be respectful of - don’t ruin a relationship over your wedding plans.  

And lastly, once plans are made, stay in communication with everyone as plans change.  People can’t read your mind/predict what you are thinking, so make sure to keep them updated - even when your answer right then is, “I really don’t know.”


Remember, the MAIN REASON for your wedding day is to get MARRIED with your spouse - even if the celebration with your friends and family looks a little bit different.  Stay excited, stay flexible, and stay open with your wedding plans - and JUST GET MARRIED!!!!!


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