3 Ways to Speed Up Your Small Business Productivity

Anyone else have a way too long to-do list for your small business, but never feel like you can get anything accomplished?

I’ve been there.  As some who has a side hustle, I have to be EXTREMELY productive with the small amount of time I have to work on my small business.  The first few years of owning my business were very slow, as I often got overwhelmed and didn’t get much accomplished. After some time and research, I’ve built up my habits to become more and more productive and less distracted by everything around me - so I can actually reach my goals!

If you are someone struggling to focus and be productive, here are 3 habits you can start implementing to see some change in your business:

  1. Focus on ONE thing at a time.  We live in a world where there is a constant background noise of kids, coworkers, pets, tv, radio, and music.  It’s really easy to get distracted, whether you are multitasking or just getting bombarded with different ideas all at once.  When you are working, pick on ONE thing to focus completely on for at least one hour. Put all distractions away - phones, tablets, and, yes, Netflix, to focus in on that work item.  If you come up with a new idea or remember something you need to do, put it on a sticky note and come back to it once your hour (or whatever time you had chosen) is up. You will notice that your mind is a lot more relaxed, and your tasks start taking less and less time.

  2. Schedule out your days.  I am definitely a HUGE planner, but I sometimes slip in the cracks on this point, and my productivity takes a big hit from it.  When you don’t have a set plan or assignments (that you would generally get at a “normal” job), it’s easy to just check that one notification on Instagram - that snowballs into an hour on social media.  When you plan out each hour of your working day, you can help motivate yourself to keep moving forward - and often times you find you have WAAYYYY more time in your day to both work AND relax.

  3. Split large projects into small, achievable tasks.  Anyone else look at their upcoming, HUGE project and get so overwhelmed you decide to put it off until next month...or the next??  I’m there with you, and here’s how you can avoid it - step back and write out each step you need to take in pushing this project forward.  Work on a task or two each day, instead of forcing yourself to try to finish everything in one sitting. You’ll find yourself more excited about getting your project done, as you’ll feel a little “win” each time you check of a task that is moving you closer to your goals. 

I hope with these three quick tips, you can completely transform the way you work and actually GET THINGS DONE!!!  What are some ways you help improve your small business productivity?


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