The Lenses You Need for Wedding Photography
Choosing the best lenses for wedding photography can often be a confusing and long process.
There are so many different types of lenses out there to choose from: macro, zoom, prime, wide-angle, etc., and all of those lenses also come with a really big price tag.
How to Prepare for Your First Wedding as a Photographer
Okay, so you recently had your first couple book you for their wedding - eek! You’re probably feeling a lot of emotions - excitement, nervousness, confusion, and motivation.
How Much Should You Charge As a Wedding Photographer
Probably one of the hardest questions to answer as a wedding photographer is “how much should I charge for a wedding day?”
Why Google Analytics Are Important For Your Small Business
Google Analytics. Most people either cheer when they hear those words (LIKE ME) or have no idea what I’m talking about. Here’s the deal: Google Analytics are a GAMECHANGER when it comes to SEO for your small business.
How to Take Wedding Family Photos Quickly And Efficiently
Family photos are some of the MOST IMPORTANT moments that you can capture on a wedding day - but how can you efficiently get wedding family photos taken without wasting time?
How to Boost Your SEO Ranking with Google My Business
So you’ve most likely stumbled across this article because you are looking for ways to boost your SEO ranking, right?? One of the most IMPORTANT things you can do to get started on the right foot with your SEO is setting up Google My Business.